Friday, February 1, 2019

Tate No Yuusha No Nariagari -04

Saintnime will discuss first impressions from Tate No Yuusha No Nariagari episode 4.

Motoyasu attack Naofumi

Here at the start with Naofumi who came to the Party held in the Kingdom after successfully tackling a wave of chaos.Naofumi was forced to come up with because there will be a prize handed out by the King. In the Royal party as if there is nothing to be concerned with the presence of the hero's shield. Time Naofumi was sitting on feeding by Raphthalia which forced Naofumi join eating and having fun but Naofumi knows that his presence was hated by everyone but suddenly the Motoyasu come and throw the gloves which mean sign want to challenge a duel. Motoyasu challenging duel Naofumi because Malty instigated by that Raphtalia
was a slave who was forced to fight by Naofumi, then Naofumi duel challenge with terms if he wins then Naofumi should liberate the Raphtalia from his contract.Then Naofumi asks what results he got if victorious but Motoyasu answer he can do anything as he pleases.Naofumi is not at all interested in a duel that was because no results he got from that duel. When he wants to go Naofumi was prevented by the troops of the Kingdom of because Naofumi doesn't want to duel then Raphtalia held hostage to Naofumi was forced to join the fight here.

The emotion carried the duel joined author prize just next to the party altogether inappropriate called duel, according to author and the worst of it all one more insult Naofumi. Any forced Naofumi join the duel before a duel Naofumi tried wearing the sword but It is still rejected by shields. This duel began here's what according to admin cool though with a weapon able to defeat shields but Naofumi hero Lance Motoyasu. Naofumi using cleverness to make use of weapon shields combined with the monster who always stuck to his body. Admin so curious reply Naofumi sleeping beast sticking or not?.And here the audience made a shock audiences who've been thinking hero shield is weak and not likely win but in fact is able to silence them although he sort of sneaky and cowardly. How not to use monsters no skill attack just bare hands so but as liberating Naofumi. Motoyasu and told him to admit his defeat the Malty back making a mess by invading Naofumi with magic unseen wind which makes the audience of guard. Naofumi which is then attacked by the Motoyasu and Naofumi lost the duel and was declared over. Naofumi said  Motoyasu that cheating because Malty use magic wind but the audience no one believes because no one saw it and here is revealed the relationship Malty and King who turns out the King is the father of Malty. 
Naofumi depression

Naofumi uninformed here that turned out during this he deliberately in goat on by the Kingdom may be due to the mindset of people who think that shield weak heroes and it turns out the reason he was not trusted because Malty is the son of the King until he was hated by everyone in the scene this is the admin's feelings really get carried away the Naofumi already can't stand in the world he isekai no way like to brought into the world that. let alone those who summoned him but why is he always in goat on by all as the title of the hero of the people is meaningless. Naofumi here like raising the power hidden in shields when she wants to destroy the world. He saw a small version of the Raphtalia curse free and leave it.

But, actually Raphtalia does not leave him. He told the truth to all people and this scene romance feels once Naofumi already do not believe anyone else not believe even with Raphtalia. But,this is where Naofumi moment want to throw shields then Raphtalia holding a shield and  that shield that was used to protect the crowds then Naofumi said all he did was only for himself.

Best scene when Naofumi embraced and Raphtalia say I'm more than anyone in this world to know Mr. Naofumi and although this world blames her then Raphtalia will always say if you are a good person. you have saved my life giving the sword and the purpose of life is your sword and I will always follow you and finally heart.

Naofumi could trust someone again and Funnily enough from past Naofumi endure not grown Raphtalia :v and Raphtalia sent to share the pain and sleep in the lap of Raphtalia until the morning admin also want to sleep there:).

Naofumi was given the bread Raphtalia and feel the delicious because of the bitter taste of his life gone.This episodes also shows Motoyasu only being used by Malty and the actual antagonist is Malty. The first admin's first impression.This episode really emotion the best MC took part carried over to spectators and Raphtalia could be the best admin waifu this year :v.Wait for the another discussion Saintnime and bye-bye minna san :-)
Raphtalia embraced Naofumi

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